A National Level Seminar on “Social Transformation in India with Special Reference to Status of Vulnerable Groups: Issues and Challenges” was held by the College on March 12, 2016. G. J. Advani Law College is the First Law College in Mumbai to conduct the National Seminar third time. The Seminar was also highly appreciated by the guests and participants that it was well organized.
Dr. Vijaya Kumar, Professor, National Law University, Bangalore and former Vice Chancellor of Ambedkar Law University, Chennai, Dr. Minu Madlani, Principal of K.P.B Hinduja College and Dr. Thampi, Principal of Thadomal Shahani Engineering College, were the guests of the program. The seminar was inaugurated at the hands of all the guests, Chair-Person, Convenors and co-ordinators by lighting a lamp.
Dr. Minu Madlani,Principal of the K.P.B Hinduja College, in her speech mentioned that in the wake of social emphasis, to give respect to social and cultural diversities is the need of the hour. The key –note speaker of the seminar Dr.Vijay Kumar, former Vice Chancellor of Ambedkar Law University of Tamil Nadu and Professor of National Law university, Bangalore emphasized the views expressed by Dr. Ambedkar on 26 November, 1949 that “We must make our political democracy as a social democracy as well”.
The Inaugural Function ended with vote of thanks expressed by Dr. Santhi Dasari.
The sub-themes of the Seminar were divided into four sessions and participants presented their papers in their respective session.
The sub-themes of this session was
The sub-themes of this session was
The sub-themes of this session was
The sub-themes of this session was
Dr. Mukund Sarda, Dean of Law Department and Principal of New Law College, Bharati Vidyapeeth University and Dr. Vanjani, Principal of M.M.K College of Commerce and Economics and Dr. Rajeshri Verhadi, Associate Professor, Department of Law, Mumbai University were the guests of the program.
Principal Dr. Vanjani who gave illuminating speech and said ‘the Indian people are true from their hearts, only thing required is sensitizing them about the problems, the vulnerable groups are facing in Indian society.’
The Valedictory Function ended with vote of thanks expressed by Dr. Kavita Lalchandani.
After the Valedictory Function certificates were distributed to the participants and paper presenters.
The Proceeding of the Seminar containing 45 research articles was published before the date of seminar.