1) Ms. Twinkle Punjabi and Ms. Tejal Patel won Second Prize in 4th National Judgment writing Competition organized by Amity Law University, Mumbai.
2. Ms. Akanksha Wadhavkar won Runner Up Prize in Inter Collegiate Elocution Competition organized by Jitendra Chavan College of Law in September, 2019.
3. Ms. Akanksha Wadhavkar won Runner Up Prize in Inter Collegiate Extempore Elocution Competition in Lex -Loci Law Fest organized by Lords Universal College of Law In March, 2020.
4. Ms. Akanksha Wadhavkar won Ms. Lex- Loci 2020 in Inter Collegiate Elocution Competition organized by Lords Universal College of Law on February 14, 2020.
5. Mr. Parth Merchant won Runner Up Prize in Apud exploration Competition In Lex -Loci Law Fest organized by Lords Universal College of Law on February 14, 2020.
6. Mr. Ravi Dasija and Ms. Manpreet Kaur won Runner Up Prize in Legal Drafting Competition in Lex -Loci Law Fest organized by Lords Universal College of Law on February 14th, 2020.
7. Ms. Akanksha Wadhavkar won Runner Up Prize in Inter Collegiate Extempore Elocution Competition in “Astraea” Law Fest organized by KES Law College held on March 7th 2020.
8. Ms. Jyotsna Jaya won First Prize in Caption Writing Competition in “Astraea” Inter collegiate Law Fest organized by KES Law College held on March 7, 2020.
9. Mr. Prithvi Khithani won second prize in Caption Writing Competition in Inter collegiate Law Fest “Astraea” organized by KES Law College held on March 7, 2020.
10. Mr. Aniket Bhankal and Swapnil Aglave won consolation prize in UDAAN Festival Conducted by University of Mumbai for the Second Consecutive year i.e. 2020.
11. Mr. Kaushal Popat and Ms. Manali Ranawat won First Prize in Law quiz Inter Collegiate competition in the Law Fest “Law Tryst” organized by JCCL on March 15, 2020.
12. Mr. Kaushal Popat and Mr. Advait Dalvi won second Prize in Negotiation Competition in “Law Tryst” the the Law Fest of JCCL on March 15, 2020.
13. Ms Manpreet Kaur of S.Y. LL.B. for achieving 3rd position in Judgment writing competition conducted by Legal Foxes.
14. Ms. Garima Sisodia and Mr. Waahid of F.Y. LL.B. were chosen for virtual internship at Indian Law Portal on the basis of article submitted to them.
15. Ms. Garima Sisodia and Mr. Prithvi Khilnani of F.Y. LL.B. for getting place in top 10 teams in summary writing competition conducted by Kshitizz & CB Eduvents. As a result, their writing will be published in the form of book with ISBN.